On July 16th- Meet Your New Local REALTOR- Wendy Eilander- with 1% Lists-Dream Street- a Full Service Brokerage with ONLY 1% Listing Fees! Come join the fun!
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, Community Events, Connectors, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Join in to celebrate the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting of WorldWide Logistics, Inc.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, PM Networking, Luncheon Networking, Ribbon Cutting, Community Events, Connectors, Economic Development, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, PM Networking, Ribbon Cutting, Special Events, Community Events, Connectors, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Connecting U! Contacts Contracts is a group formed for members to develop deeper business relationships with the purpose of lead sharing and referrals. The group is limited by size and industry. Membership to the group is annual and members must commit to coming to 90% of the meetings, which are held every month fro...
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, Ribbon Cutting, Community Events, Connectors, Economic Development, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Meet the Chamber provides an opportunity for new members, representatives, future members, and longtime members to come together to learn about how an Urbandale Chamber membership can serve you and your business. Join us to learn more about Urbandale Chamber programs and benefits.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar
MOXIE (Member Owners eXchange Information Experience) is a group of member business Owners/Presidents who meet monthly with Greg Thompson, ActionCoach, to discuss issues impacting their businesses. All member Business Owners/Presidents are invited to participate. Everyone must sign a confidentiality clause.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events
Quality Resource Center Ribbon Cutting
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, PM Networking, Ribbon Cutting, Community Events, Connectors, Economic Development, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Thank you to our Presenting Sponsors of the 2023 CIB Academy | Trixies Salon and Spa
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, Luncheon Networking, Seminars/Workshops, Community Events, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events
Please join the Urbandale Chamber in celebrating Electronic Asset Security's Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting!
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, PM Networking, Ribbon Cutting, Special Events, Community Events, Connectors, Economic Development, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Urbandale, West Des Moines, and Clive Chambers join together to organize a FANTASTIC DAY OF GOLF. Join us for the LARGEST TAILGATE IN THE WEST METRO golf outing! This golf outing will be held on Thursday, August 24, 2023.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, PM Networking, Luncheon Networking, Special Events, Community Events, Connectors, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar
Connecting U! Contacts Contracts is a group formed for members to develop deeper business relationships with the purpose of lead sharing and referrals. The group is limited by size and industry. Membership to the group is annual and members must commit to coming to 90% of the meetings, which are held every month fro...
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, Community Events, Connectors, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Meet the Chamber provides an opportunity for new members, representatives, future members, and longtime members to come together to learn about how an Urbandale Chamber membership can serve you and your business. Join us to learn more about Urbandale Chamber programs and benefits.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar
MOXIE (Member Owners eXchange Information Experience) is a group of member business Owners/Presidents who meet monthly with Greg Thompson, ActionCoach, to discuss issues impacting their businesses. All member Business Owners/Presidents are invited to participate. Everyone must sign a confidentiality clause.
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events
Please join the Urbandale Chamber in celebrating Urbandale Hy-Vee Starbuck's Re-Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting!
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Categories: Chamber Of Commerce, AM Networking, Ribbon Cutting, Special Events, Community Events, Connectors, Economic Development, Greater Des Moines Partnership Regional Calendar, Business Owner Events, Board of Directors
Printed courtesy of www.uniquelyurbandale.com – Contact the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2830 100th St., Suite 110, Urbandale, IA 50322 – (515) 331-6855 – info@urbandalechamber.com